
How To Remove And Prevent Limescale With Plumbing Service | Jacksonville, FL

Photo By Iuliia Mikhalitskaia at istock

If you live in an area with hard water, you’ll know how problematic limescale can be. Limescale can stop your appliances from working efficiently and give your water a nasty taste.

If you live in Jacksonville, FL, or the surrounding area and are looking for a plumbing service, don’t hesitate to contact Bert Norman’s Plumbing. The company is available for all types of plumbing jobs, including leak detection, drain cleaning, and plumbing installation.

It’s essential to take steps to remove limescale if you live in a hard water area. This article will look at how to remove and prevent limescale. Plumbing employees are often asked questions about hard water and limescale removal.

What is limescale?

Limescale is present when there is a build-up of minerals in the water. It naturally occurs when the water is hard. Hard water contains concentrates of calcium and magnesium. The water leaves behind mineral deposits as it evaporates. If you live in an area with hard water, you’ll notice a white or slightly green crust that is deposited on your plumbing appliances. This is limescale, and it is commonly found around the faucets, in kettles, or other household appliances.

Many homes across America are affected by hard water and the effects of limescale. Where limescale is present, homeowners have to have their appliances serviced or even replaced regularly. Limescale can affect how well appliances such as dishwashers, showers, and washing machines function.

Why should you remove limescale?

There are many reasons that homeowners should try to remove limescale from their appliances. The main reason is that a build-up of limescale can be expensive; if you have to pay to maintain appliances or even replace them, this will be costly. It’s, therefore, beneficial to take steps to reduce limescale.

Over time limescale will reduce the functioning of your appliances and also reduce their life span. You may find yourself frequently replacing items such as showerheads, which can quickly become clogged. Limescale build-up can also lead to reduced water pressure in your shower.

A shower head blockage will be costly as there will be an increase in the amount of energy that’s needed to provide the right heat and pressure. Over time this will cause an increase in your utility bills.

Limescale can also damage the seals around faucets, and over time, this will cause leaks. You’ll then have to call in a plumbing service to fix the issue.

In the worst cases, limescale will devalue your property by ruining the appearance of plumbing fixtures. You may find that you end up with irreversible damage to faucets and other chrome fittings. Limescale can cause the chrome to peel away.

How to remove limescale

It’s essential to take steps to remove limescale as soon as you notice a problem. The longer limescale is left to build up, the more damage it will cause, and the harder it will be to remove. There are a few different things that you can do to remove limescale and prevent it from building up.

If you have noticed any plumbing issues such as leaks that have been caused by limescale, you can call your local plumbing service for help and advice.

Invest in a water softener

The hardness of water can change over time, but if you live in an area where the water is permanently hard, you may like to consider having a water softener installed. This will help to reduce the build-up of limescale.

Water softeners are filters that can be installed under your sink to soften the water as it comes into your home. They use a process called ion exchange to remove minerals from the water. This helps to transform hard water into soft water. Water softeners use polymer resin beads that are negatively charged to attract calcium and magnesium in the water and turn them into sodium ions.

If you’re interested in having a water softener installed in your home, you can contact your local plumber to find out more. A plumber will be able to test the hardness of your water and advise you about the right type of water softener for your home.

Regularly clean your appliances

It’s also a good idea to perfect your cleaning skills in order to remove limescale and avoid build-up. There are several ways you can clean your appliances.

A plumbing company will often recommend wiping all your wet fittings and appliances after every use. This will dry up the water before it has a chance to evaporate and will stop limescale deposits from forming. You can pay particular attention to areas around faucets and showers as this is often where water pools.

Create a natural limescale remover

Limescale that has built up over time can be tricky to remove. You can create a natural cleaning solution using lemon juice or white wine vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. This mixture can be applied to areas of limescale, leave it to soak in for ten minutes, and then scrub the area with an old toothbrush.

Bert Norman’s Plumbing, Plumbing Service

If you live in Jacksonville, FL or the surrounding area and are looking for a plumbing service, contact Bert Norman’s plumbing service. The company is available for all types of plumbing jobs, including leak detection, drain cleaning, and plumbing installation. If you have hard water, you may also like to consider having a water softener installed.

Bert Norman’s plumbing service is a family-owned and operated business that has been in operation since 1985. They have a reputation for providing good quality workmanship at a reasonable price. The team is also available for 24/7 emergency call out.

Bert Norman’s Plumbing service is a BBB accredited business and has achieved an A+ rating. Call Bert Norman’s Plumbing service today on 904-225-5888.

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