
10 Things You Shouldn’t Flush Down the Toilet | Tips from Your Yulee, FL Plumber

Your toilet can’t speak. It can’t tell you to stop flushing random 10-Things-You-Shouldnt-Flush-Down-the-Toilet-_-Tips-from-Your-Yulee,-FL-Plumberthings. So today, we’re not here to tell you to only flush what’s supposed to be flushed. Hopefully, you already know what is! We’re here to speak on behalf of your plumber in the Yulee, FL area. Here’s what you should never flush down your toilet.

Remember, with each flush, you’re using up almost three gallons of water. Make sure that you’re not wasting water by flushing the wrong things. If you do, it’s best to call a professional in the Yulee, FL area.

Do you want to make sure you’re not flushing any of these things down your toilet? Do yourself a favor and go through this list:

1.    Flushable Wipes

Names can be deceiving. Sometimes people can say things they don’t mean. Similarly, some makeup and baby wipes claim to be flushable. We suggest you refrain from risking the damage caused by flushing them down the toilet. They are usually not biodegradable and can clog up your toilet. When there’s a trash can nearby, use it. It’s a much safer alternative.

2.    Diapers

While, we’re on the topic of baby products, one thing you should definitely not be tossing in the toilet is a diaper. They’re big and smelly and your plumber will not be happy to see that you’ve tried to flush it away. A diaper is technically already a portable toilet for your baby anyway. The only sensible decision to make after it has been used is to throw it in the bin.

3.    Floss

You should be flossing twice a day. Once when you wake up and once before sleeping. Your toilet, however, does not need to floss. So please don’t throw your floss in there. It may seem like it isn’t a big deal at first, but floss bunches up over time and will lodge itself in your bathroom plumbing. It can also get caught with more gunk and create a huge mess.

4.     Cat Litter

Humans and cats are meant to use different toilets. If you find yourself flushing kitty litter down the toilet, stop before your plumber has to buy you a litter box. Cat litter often becomes blobs of solid once it touches water. If you put it in the toilet, chances are it’ll form clumps inside the pipes and clog your pipes.

5.     Food

Waste food and you’ll be labeled a terrible person. Attempt to flush it down the toilet and your plumber will never see you the same way again. Not only is it disgusting to take your food to the bathroom, but trying to dispose of it this way is one of the worst ideas you could have. If there’s ever any extra or unwanted food at home, try dropping it off at the local soup kitchen.

Along these lines, you shouldn’t be getting rid of oil or grease this way either. You may think that you’re only putting liquid in the bowl, just like the majority of things that usually go in there, but you’re not. Oil and any kinds of grease will eventually solidify in your pipes and clog them.

6.    Tampons

It may seem like the easiest solution when you’re in a hurry. As convenient as it may seem, it’s very harmful for your pipes, and you will have to call your plumber to save you. Be responsible when disposing of your tampons or other hygiene products. Wrap them with toilet paper and throw them in the garbage. It may seem like a handful at first, but you’ll get used to it.

7.     Pets

This is as bad of an idea as it is cruel. Animals, especially your pets deserve to be disposed of with as much dignity as anyone else. People tend to throw their fishes in the toilet, but this is going to cause you trouble in the long run. Animals do not break down in the pipes and you will have to call a plumber to unclog the blockage.

This shouldn’t have to be said, but you definitely should not be getting rid of living pets this way at all. Find someone who wants to adopt your pet if you don’t want them anymore.

8.     Medication

You may be wondering what the issue is when medicine also dissolves in your body? Well, although they won’t clog your pipes and be an issue for your plumber they will dissolve into the groundwater and release chemicals into your sewers. This will, over time, become a problem for you too.

The water that runs in our sewers is the same water that goes into the major water bodies around us. The last thing you want is your favorite beaches to become contaminated.

9.     Hair

Hair loss is real and anyone will tell you they hate it too. Do you really want to flush your precious locks down the toilet? Any kind of hair should be thrown into the garbage. Hair can get tangled up with other things in your pipes.

If your pet is suffering from fur loss, make sure you throw their fur away properly too. When detangling your hair from your brushes, try to do it near a garbage can.

10.   Cotton Swabs

You may think these little creatures aren’t going to create any issues for you, but your plumberwill tell you otherwise. Like paper towels and facial tissues, these aren’t made to be put in your toilet. They might not dissolve in the water as easily as toilet paper. Regularly flushing them down the toilet after removing your makeup will lead to a clog in your pipes.

If you are looking for a professional plumber in the Yulee, FLarea, give Bert Norman’s Plumbing of Yulee, FL a call at 904-225-5888 or fill out our online request form.

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