Repair or Replace Your Water Heater?Repair VS Replace Profile Select the appropriate responses below to determine your rating and whether you should repair or replace your water heater. 1. Age of water heater(Required)Select1-4 Years5-8 Years9-13 Years14+ Years2. How ofter do you run out of hot water?(Required)SelectSeldomOccasionallyOftenAlways3. Has the heater ever been serviced?(Required)Selectannuallyevery 5 yearsnever4. Rust corrosion(Required)SelectLightModerateExtremeTotalAdditional Factors to Consider When Replacing a Water Heater Growing Family Needs Guarantees Energy Savings Future Repair Costs Inflation We recommend you REPLACE your water heater based on the information above.We recommend you REPAIR your water heater based on the information above.Contact Us to Schedule Your Water Heater Repair or ReplacementFill out your information below and a member of our friendly staff will contact you to schedule a water heater repair or replacement or answer any questions you may have.Name(Required) First Last Phone(Required)Email(Required) Address(Required) City ZIP Code Δ X