
7 Reasons Why You Should Have A Drain Cleaning Service Performed Every Year | Jacksonville, FL

Photo By Iryna Imago at istock

Most Jacksonville, FL homeowners have their heating, and air conditioning systems maintained. They understand that annual maintenance will help these systems function efficiently, saving them money on their energy bills. Routine maintenance will also extend the lifespan of the systems.

One system that many homeowners forget to have maintained is the plumbing system. This is a mistake. You rely on a properly functioning plumbing system for many daily household tasks. If you want to ensure that your plumbing system is functioning properly, you should have an annual drain cleaning service performed. If you aren’t sure if this service is worth the cost, you should understand the ways it can improve your plumbing system.

#1 Prevent Slow Or Clogged Drains

When the drains in your home become slow or clogged, simple tasks can take longer or become completely impossible. When you have drain issues, it is best to avoid using a liquid drain cleaner. These products can harm your pipes, and they aren’t always effective. There is no guarantee that the entire clog will be removed.

If you have a drain cleaning service performed every year, you can prevent your drains from becoming slow or clogged. You also won’t need to worry about paying a plumber and waiting for an appointment. An annual drain cleaning will remove anything in the drains that will eventually cause drainage issues.

#2 Quiet Your Drains

If you hear a gurgling sound when water goes down the drain, it signifies a major clog. When there is a large clog in the drain, the water will need to change directions to get past the clog, which causes the gurgling sound. If you ignore the problem, it won’t be long before the clog becomes completely clogged.

If you have a drain cleaning performed, the clog will be removed, keeping your drains quiet.

#3 Rid Your Kitchen Of Foul Smells

If there is a foul smell in your kitchen and you cannot figure out why your drain could be to blame. As careful as you are about what you put down the drain, grease and food will eventually go down, which can cause a clog. When the food and grease start to spoil, it can cause a foul odor to waft up the drain into your kitchen, making the whole area smell bad. You can pour fresh-smelling solutions down the drain to eliminate the odor, but this is just a temporary fix.

When you have a drain cleaning service performed, any food or grease buildup will be removed, making your kitchen smell fresh and clean again, and it will stay that way.

#4 Rid Your Kitchen Of Fruit Flies

If you have fruit flies in your kitchen and cannot figure out why your drains could be to blame. When food, grease, and soap scum build up in the drain, it creates the perfect breeding ground for fruit flies. There are DIY remedies that can be made using items you already have in your kitchen, but this is just a temporary solution. You will need to continue using the solutions to keep the fruit flies away.

If you want a permanent solution to the problem, have a drain cleaning performed. When you have your drains cleaned every year, the drains will be clean and clear, and your fruit fly issue will be eradicated.

#5 Save Money On Expensive Plumbing Repairs

There will be a fee to have a drain cleaning service performed; however, the service is less expensive than plumbing repairs necessary if you don’t have the service performed regularly.

If a major clog forms in your drains, it can cause your drainage system to become corroded, which will contaminate your water, making it unsafe for use. A major repair can also cause the pipes to burst. Burst pipes can cause a major flood in your home, causing serious structural damage and can promote mold growth.

If you have a drain cleaning service performed every year, you won’t need to worry about a large clog wreaking havoc on your plumbing system. You can also save a lot of money on repairs.

#6 Keep Your Water Bills Down

If our water bills have been increasing over time, the issue could lie within your plumbing system. If there is a leak in the water supply or the waterline, you will be wasting water without even realizing it. Also, the leak can cause damage to your Jacksonville, FL home and promote mold growth.

When you have a drain cleaning service performed, the plumber will use a small camera to get a good look at the inside of your pipes. This will allow them to catch a leak early before serious damage can occur.

#7 Prevent Water From Backing Up In Your Home

If there is a large clog in the drain in your home, it can cause water to back up in the sinks, shower, toilet, or washing machine. This can cause a flood in your home that can be a hassle to clean up. The flood can also cause water damage and mold growth.

An annual drain cleaning service will remove any clogs in the drain, saving you a lot of time and money.

Why Choose Bert Norman’s Plumbing?

If you want to have a drain cleaning service performed and want to work with the best in the business, schedule an appointment with Bert Norman’s Plumbing. We have been serving customers in Jacksonville, FL, and the surrounding areas for over 30 years and have an excellent reputation in the community and the industry. We have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and have a 5-star rating on Google.

We understand that plumbing issues often occur outside of our regular business hours, which is why we offer emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you call when we are closed, we will do our best to get to your home as quickly as we would if you had called during normal business hours.

To schedule an appointment for a drain cleaning service or any other plumbing service, give us a call today.

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