
Smart Home Integration: The Future of Plumbing

Have you ever wondered how technology is transforming our homes, particularly our plumbing systems? Imagine a world where your home’s plumbing can think, learn, and adapt to your needs. This isn’t science fiction—it’s the future with smart home integration! For homeowners in Fernandina, FL, this means enhanced convenience, cost savings, and a sustainable future.

Water leak sensor in home plumbing system

Photo by Andrew Angelov on Shutterstock.

What is Smart Home Plumbing Integration?

Smart home plumbing integration involves using advanced technology to monitor and manage your home’s water systems. This includes installing smart devices and sensors that can detect leaks, control water usage, and provide real-time updates and control through your smartphone.

Key Components of a Smart Plumbing System

  • Sensors: Detects leaks and monitors water flow.
  • Smart Water Meters: Track water usage in real-time.
  • Automated Shut-Off Valves: Prevent flooding by shutting off water during leaks.
  • Smart Faucets and Showers: Control water flow and temperature with precision.

The Evolution of Plumbing Technology

Plumbing has come a long way from ancient aqueducts and clay pipes to the sophisticated systems we have today. Over the centuries, innovations like indoor plumbing, water heaters, and modern sanitation have drastically improved our quality of life.

The latest evolution in plumbing technology is the integration of smart home systems. These systems use the Internet of Things (IoT) to connect devices, enabling them to communicate and provide better control and efficiency.

Key Features of Smart Plumbing Systems

Automated Leak Detection

Imagine getting a notification on your phone as soon as a leak starts in your home. Smart sensors can detect leaks instantly and alert you, helping to prevent costly water damage. 

These sensors are placed near water sources like sinks, toilets, and water heaters, ensuring that even the smallest leaks don’t go unnoticed. By addressing leaks promptly, you can save on repair costs and prevent water wastage.

Smart Water Heaters

With smart water heaters, you can control the temperature and heating schedule from your phone. This means you can ensure you have hot water exactly when you need it, without wasting energy. 

For example, you can set it to heat water just before you wake up or get home from work, saving both energy and money. Additionally, some smart water heaters can learn your habits over time and optimize heating schedules accordingly.

Remote Control and Monitoring

Smart systems allow you to monitor and control your water usage from anywhere using your smartphone. Whether you’re at home or on vacation, you can adjust the water flow, temperature, and detect any issues remotely. 

This gives you peace of mind knowing that you can manage your home’s water systems no matter where you are. Moreover, remote monitoring can help you identify unusual patterns in water usage, indicating potential problems.

Integration with Home Automation Systems

Smart systems can be integrated with other smart home systems like thermostats and security systems. This integration creates a seamless and efficient home environment. 

For instance, your system can work with your smart thermostat to optimize water and energy usage, making your home more efficient and comfortable. This cohesive integration allows for comprehensive control of your home environment through a single interface.

Smart home interface with button and icons providing water control from mobile app

Photo by Denys Kurbatov on Shutterstock.

Benefits of Smart Plumbing for Homeowners

Water Conservation and Efficiency

Smart systems help reduce water waste by monitoring usage and identifying leaks. By using water more efficiently, you contribute to water conservation efforts and save money on your water bills. 

It’s a win-win situation for both your wallet and the environment. Enhanced water management can also help communities by reducing overall water demand.

Enhanced Convenience and Comfort

Controlling your plumbing system from your smartphone means you can adjust water temperatures, set schedules, and manage usage to fit your lifestyle. 

This convenience adds a new level of comfort to your daily routine, making your home life easier and more enjoyable. Customizable settings allow for a personalized experience, ensuring maximum comfort.

Cost Savings and Energy Efficiency

By optimizing water usage and preventing leaks, smart systems can significantly reduce your water and energy bills. The initial investment in smart devices often pays off quickly through these savings, making it a smart financial decision. Furthermore, many smart devices are designed to be energy-efficient, further lowering your utility costs.

Improved Home Safety and Security

Automated shut-off valves and real-time alerts protect your home from potential water damage. These features provide peace of mind, knowing that your home is safe from leaks and floods even when you’re not there to monitor it. 

Enhanced safety measures can also increase your home’s overall security, protecting against unexpected water-related incidents.

Smart Plumbing Devices and Solutions

Smart Faucets and Showers

Smart faucets and showers allow precise control over water flow and temperature. Some even offer touchless operation, which helps reduce water usage and the spread of germs. 

This means you can enjoy a comfortable shower while saving water and staying healthy. The advanced features can also include preset modes for different family members, ensuring a customized experience.

Intelligent Irrigation Systems

Smart irrigation systems automate your garden watering by adjusting based on weather conditions and soil moisture levels. This ensures your plants get just the right amount of water, promoting healthy growth while conserving water. 

These systems can be programmed to follow specific watering schedules, adapting to seasonal changes and local climate conditions.

Connected Toilets and Bidets

Connected toilets and bidets enhance comfort and hygiene with features like heated seats, automatic flushing, and water usage tracking. 

These smart devices offer a more luxurious bathroom experience while helping you monitor and reduce water use. Additional features such as customizable cleaning modes and energy-saving settings add to their appeal.

How to Upgrade Your Existing Plumbing to Smart Systems

Steps to Assess Current Setup

Before upgrading to smart systems, evaluate your current setup. Identify areas where smart devices can be integrated, such as old fixtures that can be upgraded or areas prone to leaks. 

This assessment helps you understand what needs to be done and plan accordingly, ensuring a smooth transition. It also allows you to prioritize upgrades based on the most critical needs of your system.

Choosing the Right Smart Devices

Research and select smart devices that meet your needs and budget. Look for features like ease of use, compatibility with your existing system, and positive customer reviews. 

Choosing the right devices ensures you get the most benefits from your smart upgrade, maximizing both efficiency and convenience in your home. Additionally, consider devices with good warranty and support options for added peace of mind.

Installation Tips and Considerations

Some smart devices can be installed by homeowners, while others may require professional installation. 

Follow manufacturer instructions carefully and consider hiring a professional for more complex installations. Proper installation is crucial for the optimal performance of your new system, preventing potential issues down the line. Ensuring proper setup can also enhance the longevity and reliability of your devices.

Smart Plumbing and Sustainability

Eco-Friendly  Solutions

Smart systems promote eco-friendly practices by reducing water waste and encouraging efficient water use. These solutions help conserve natural resources and reduce your environmental footprint, making your home more sustainable. Adopting these practices contributes significantly to global conservation efforts, benefiting both current and future generations.

Reducing Water Waste and Environmental Impact

By detecting leaks early and monitoring water usage, smart systems help reduce unnecessary water consumption. This not only saves you money but also contributes to a more sustainable future by conserving precious water resources. Over time, these small changes can lead to substantial environmental benefits, such as decreased strain on local water supplies.

Household water use equipment remote management by smartphone in Florida

Photo by Denys Kurbatov on Shutterstock.

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Potential Issues with Smart Plumbing Systems

While smart systems offer many benefits, there can be challenges such as initial installation costs, compatibility issues, and the need for a reliable internet connection. 

These challenges can be daunting but are manageable with the right approach. Proper planning and research can mitigate many of these issues, ensuring a smoother implementation process.

Troubleshooting Tips and Solutions

Regular maintenance and monitoring can help address potential issues. Keep your system updated, and contact customer support for any persistent problems. 

Being proactive about maintenance ensures your smart system runs smoothly and efficiently. Regular check-ups can also extend the lifespan of your devices, providing long-term benefits and performance stability.

Smart Plumbing Maintenance and Upkeep

Routine Maintenance Tips

Regularly check your smart devices for updates and perform routine inspections to ensure they are functioning properly. Clean sensors and replace batteries as needed to keep your system in top shape.

Ensuring Longevity and Optimal Performance

Follow manufacturer guidelines for maintenance and use. Consider scheduling annual inspections by a professional plumber to ensure your system remains in optimal condition. Proper maintenance extends the life of your smart plumbing system and ensures it continues to operate efficiently.

Future Trends in Smart Plumbing Technology

Emerging Innovations and Technologies

The future of smart plumbing includes advancements like AI-powered water quality monitoring, predictive maintenance algorithms, and even more seamless integration with other smart home systems. 

These innovations will make smart systems even more effective and user-friendly. Enhanced connectivity and smarter analytics will allow for proactive maintenance and greater resource efficiency.

Predictions for the Next Decade

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect smarter, more intuitive systems that offer even greater efficiency, convenience, and sustainability. 

The next decade promises exciting developments that will further enhance the way we manage our home’s water systems. Innovations will likely focus on even greater automation, personalized user experiences, and broader adoption of eco-friendly technologies.

Choosing the Right Smart Plumbing Service Provider

What to Look for in a Service Provider

When choosing a smart service provider, look for experience, customer reviews, and a range of services. Ensure they offer the latest smart technologies and reliable customer support. Additionally, a good provider should have a proven track record of successful installations and ongoing maintenance services.

Questions to Ask Before Hiring

  • What systems do you offer?
  • Do you provide installation services?
  • What kind of maintenance and support do you provide?
  • Can you provide references or customer testimonials?
  • How do you ensure the compatibility of new systems with existing setups?

These questions can help you determine the reliability and expertise of the service provider, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Ready to Upgrade? Contact Bert Norman’s Plumbing Today!

Are you ready to experience the future of plumbing in Fernandina, FL? Bert Norman’s Plumbing is here to help you make the switch to smart systems. With our expert installation and top-notch customer service, you can enjoy all the benefits of a smart home without the hassle. Contact us today at 904-225-5888 to learn more and get started on your journey!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are smart home water systems?
Smart home water systems use advanced technology to monitor and manage your home’s water usage, enhancing control and efficiency. They integrate with other smart home devices to provide a comprehensive solution for water management.

How do smart leak detectors operate?
Smart leak detectors use sensors to detect moisture and send alerts to your smartphone if a leak is detected, allowing for quick action to prevent damage. These detectors can be placed near water sources like sinks and water heaters to catch leaks early.

Are these smart systems costly?
While the initial investment can be higher, smart water systems can save you money in the long run by conserving water and preventing costly repairs. Over time, the savings on your water bills can offset the initial costs.

Can I install these smart devices myself?
Some smart devices are designed for easy DIY installation, but others may require professional help to ensure proper setup and functionality. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully to avoid any issues.

How do smart water systems help conserve water?
They monitor water usage, detect leaks early, and provide insights and recommendations to help you reduce water waste effectively. By identifying and addressing inefficiencies, these systems promote more sustainable water consumption.

How do smart water meters work?
Smart water meters track your home’s water usage in real-time, providing detailed reports that help you understand consumption patterns. This data can help you make informed decisions to optimize water use and identify potential issues.

Plumbing Myths Busted: Facts You Should Know

Plumbing Myths – Ever wondered if putting ice cubes in your garbage disposal sharpens the blades? Or maybe you’ve heard that flushing a lemon peel down the toilet makes it smell better? 

These are just a few examples of the many plumbing myths floating around. But how do you know what’s true and what’s just a myth? In this blog, we’ll bust some common plumbing myths and give you the facts you need to know.

Plumbing myths busted

Photo by Yevhen Prozhyrko on Shutterstock.

Importance of Debunking Plumbing Myths

Debunking plumbing myths is essential because these misconceptions can lead to costly mistakes, wasted resources, and even damage to your home’s plumbing system. Understanding the facts helps you take better care of your plumbing and avoid unnecessary repairs.

Believing in and acting on plumbing myths can have serious repercussions. From clogged pipes to damaged appliances, these myths can cause extensive and expensive damage. Knowing the truth can save you money and headaches in the long run.

Myth 1: Hot Water Melts Grease in Pipes

Explanation and Reality

You might think that running hot water while pouring grease down the drain will keep it from clogging. After all, hot water melts grease, right? Wrong! While hot water does melt grease, it only stays liquid for a short time. 

As the grease travels down the pipes, it cools and solidifies again. This can lead to serious clogs over time, as the grease builds up inside your pipes. Believing in such plumbing myths can result in costly repairs and damage to your plumbing system.

Proper Methods to Handle Grease

So, what should you do with grease? The best way to handle it is to let it cool down in a container, like an old can or a jar. Once it’s solidified, you can throw it in the trash. This simple step can save you a lot of trouble and prevent major plumbing issues in your home. 

Just remember, keeping grease out of your pipes is a small effort that can make a big difference. Avoiding this common plumbing myth will help maintain the health of your plumbing system.

Myth 2: Flushable Wipes Are Safe for Plumbing

Truth About “Flushable” Products

Many wipes are labeled as “flushable,” making it seem like they’re safe for your plumbing. Unfortunately, this isn’t true. Unlike toilet paper, these wipes don’t break down quickly in water. 

They stay intact and can cause significant blockages in your plumbing and septic systems. Even if they manage to go down your toilet, they often get stuck somewhere in the pipes, creating nasty clogs that can be expensive to fix. This is one of the plumbing myths that can lead to severe plumbing issues if not properly addressed.

Recommendations for Disposal

To keep your plumbing system safe, it’s best to throw wipes in the trash instead of flushing them. Even if the package says they’re flushable, don’t take the risk. It’s a simple change that can prevent a lot of headaches and protect your plumbing from blockages. By disposing of wipes correctly, you can avoid falling for these plumbing myths and ensure the smooth functioning of your plumbing system.

Myth 3: Ice Cubes Sharpen Garbage Disposal Blades

Misconception vs. Fact

A popular myth is that putting ice cubes in your garbage disposal will sharpen its blades. However, this is not true. Garbage disposals don’t have sharp blades; they have impellers, which are more like blunt teeth that grind food into tiny particles. Ice cubes do not sharpen these impellers.

Proper Maintenance Tips

While ice cubes won’t sharpen your garbage disposal, they can help clean it. The ice can knock off food particles and debris that might be stuck. For regular maintenance, you can clean your garbage disposal with a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. 

Just pour half a cup of baking soda down the disposal, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Let it fizz and sit for a few minutes, then rinse it with hot water. This method helps to keep your disposal clean and fresh without causing any damage.

Myth 4: Lemons Clean Garbage Disposals

Why This is Ineffective

Some people think that flushing a lemon down the garbage disposal will clean it and make it smell nice. While lemons can temporarily mask bad odors, they don’t actually clean your disposal. In fact, the citric acid in lemons can corrode the metal parts inside the disposal, leading to potential damage over time.

Alternative Cleaning Methods

A better way to clean your garbage disposal is to use baking soda and vinegar. This natural combination is effective and safe for your disposal. Pour half a cup of baking soda into the disposal, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Let it fizz and sit for a few minutes, then rinse it with hot water. This will help to clean and deodorize your disposal without causing any damage.

Myth 5: Putting a Brick in Your Toilet Saves Water

Potential Damage Caused by This Myth

You might have heard that placing a brick in your toilet tank can save water with each flush. While this idea seems clever, it can actually cause more harm than good. The brick can displace water, reducing the amount of water per flush, but it can also prevent the toilet from flushing properly. Over time, the brick can break down and cause damage to the internal parts of your toilet, leading to expensive repairs.

Efficient Water-Saving Techniques

A better way to save water is to upgrade to a low-flow toilet. These toilets are designed to use less water while still providing powerful flushes. Another simple tip is to check for leaks and fix them promptly, as even small leaks can waste a lot of water over time.

Myth 6: Leaky Faucets Are No Big Deal

Consequences of Ignoring Leaks

You might think that a leaky faucet is just a minor inconvenience, but even a small drip can waste a lot of water over time. This not only leads to higher water bills but also contributes to environmental waste. 

Ignoring a leaky faucet can also lead to more significant issues, such as water damage and mold growth in your home. It’s important to address these small leaks promptly to prevent further complications.

Steps to Fix a Leaky Faucet

Fixing a leaky faucet is usually straightforward. Often, the problem is a worn-out washer or gasket that needs replacing. You can find these parts at most hardware stores, and there are plenty of online guides to help you with the replacement. 

If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, calling a professional plumber is always a good option. Addressing the leak promptly can save you money and prevent further damage. Remember, taking care of these seemingly small issues can prevent major plumbing myths from causing larger problems in your home.

Hand putting baking soda in drain to clear drain clog

Photo by Nick Alias on Shutterstock.

Myth 7: Using Chemical Drain Cleaners is Safe

Risks Associated with Chemical Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners might seem like an easy solution for clogged drains, but they can be harmful to your pipes and the environment. These cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can corrode your pipes, leading to leaks and long-term damage. 

Additionally, they can be dangerous to handle and pose health risks if not used properly. Believing in this plumbing myth can result in more harm than good.

Safer Alternatives for Unclogging Drains

For a safer approach, use mechanical methods like plungers or plumbing snakes to clear clogs. These tools are effective and won’t harm your pipes. For stubborn clogs, you can try a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. 

Pour half a cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by half a cup of vinegar. Let it fizz and sit for a few minutes, then flush with hot water. If these methods don’t work, it’s best to call a professional plumber to avoid causing further damage. Taking care of your plumbing with these safe methods can help you avoid falling for harmful plumbing myths.

Myth 8: Over-Tightening Faucet Handles Stops Leaks

How Over-Tightening Can Cause Damage

It’s a common belief that over-tightening faucet handles will stop leaks. However, over-tightening can actually damage the faucet, causing more leaks and leading to costly repairs. The added pressure can wear out the washers and other internal parts, making the problem worse.

Correct Way to Handle Faucet Leaks

If a faucet is leaking, the correct approach is to check the washers or cartridges and replace them if necessary. These parts are often inexpensive and easy to replace. Avoid over-tightening the handles, as this can cause further damage. If you’re unsure how to fix the leak, don’t hesitate to call a professional plumber.

Myth 9: It’s Normal for Water Pressure to Fluctuate

What Fluctuating Water Pressure Indicates

Fluctuating water pressure is not normal and can indicate underlying issues such as leaks, blockages, or problems with the water supply. Consistent water pressure is essential for the proper functioning of your plumbing system.

Solutions for Stable Water Pressure

Regular maintenance and inspections can help identify and resolve issues causing water pressure fluctuations. If you notice changes in your water pressure, it’s essential to address the problem promptly. This might involve checking for leaks, cleaning out clogged pipes, or adjusting the pressure regulator. If the problem persists, contact a professional plumber to diagnose and fix the issue.

Myth 10: Small Leaks Are Insignificant

Long-Term Effects of Small Leaks

Small leaks might not seem like a big deal, but they can lead to significant damage over time. Even a tiny drip can result in mold growth, structural damage, and higher water bills. Ignoring small leaks can also lead to more severe plumbing issues down the line. This is one of the plumbing myths that can have costly consequences if not addressed promptly.

Importance of Prompt Repairs

Addressing leaks promptly is crucial to preventing long-term damage. Regularly check your plumbing for leaks, and if you find any, fix them as soon as possible. This can involve tightening connections, replacing washers, or calling a professional plumber for more complex issues. 

Prompt repairs can save you money and prevent further damage to your home. Don’t let plumbing myths lead you to neglect these small but significant problems.

Myth 11: All Plumbers Are the Same

How to Choose a Reputable Plumber

Not all plumbers provide the same quality of work. It’s essential to choose a licensed, experienced plumber with good reviews. A reputable plumber, like Bert Norman’s Plumbing, will have the necessary skills and knowledge to handle various plumbing issues effectively. Falling for plumbing myths that suggest all plumbers are the same can lead to unsatisfactory results.

What to Look for in Professional Services

When selecting a plumber, look for ones who offer warranties on their work, have positive customer feedback, and are transparent about their pricing. A reputable plumber can save you time, money, and avoid future headaches by providing reliable and high-quality services. By debunking these plumbing myths, you can ensure that you get the best service for your plumbing needs.

Myth 12: Toilet Flush Direction Varies by Hemisphere

Explanation of the Coriolis Effect

The Coriolis Effect, which influences large-scale phenomena like weather patterns, does not affect the direction of water in toilets. This effect is too weak to impact the small-scale water flow in toilets.

Reality of Toilet Flush Mechanics

The direction in which a toilet flushes is determined by the design of the toilet and the direction of the water jets. It has nothing to do with the hemisphere you’re in. Toilets are engineered to flush in a specific direction to maximize efficiency and effectiveness.

Myth 13: Showering During a Thunderstorm is Dangerous

Safety of Using Plumbing During Storms

The idea that showering during a thunderstorm is dangerous comes from the belief that lightning can travel through plumbing. While it is technically possible, the risk is extremely low. Modern plumbing systems are designed to minimize this risk. This is one of those plumbing myths that sounds scarier than it actually is.

Precautionary Measures

If you’re still concerned, you can avoid using plumbing fixtures during severe thunderstorms. This is a rare risk, but it’s always better to be safe. In general, the chances of being electrocuted while showering during a thunderstorm are very low. Understanding the reality behind plumbing myths can help ease your worries.

Plumbing services in Jacksonville FL

Photo by Yevhen Prozhyrko on Shutterstock.

Myth 14: You Can Fix Any Plumbing Issue with DIY Solutions

When to Call a Professional

While some minor plumbing issues can be handled with DIY solutions, many problems require professional expertise. Attempting to fix complex issues without the proper knowledge and tools can lead to more significant problems and costly damage. Believing in these plumbing myths can sometimes do more harm than good.

Risks of DIY Plumbing Fixes

Improper DIY repairs can exacerbate plumbing issues, causing leaks, water damage, and even structural problems. If you’re unsure about how to fix a plumbing problem, it’s best to consult a professional plumber. 

They have the experience and equipment to handle the issue safely and effectively. Avoiding these plumbing myths ensures that your plumbing issues are resolved correctly the first time.


Plumbing myths can lead to costly mistakes and misunderstandings. By knowing the facts, you can take better care of your plumbing system and avoid unnecessary issues. 

Regular maintenance and informed decisions are key to keeping your plumbing in good working order. Remember, when in doubt, it’s always best to consult a professional plumber to ensure your home’s plumbing is safe and efficient.

Need Reliable Plumbing Services in Callahan, FL?

For expert plumbing services in Callahan, FL, trust Bert Norman’s Plumbing. Our experienced team handles everything from routine maintenance to emergency repairs with professionalism and care. Contact us today at  904-225-5888 to schedule an appointment and experience top-notch plumbing service you can count on!


  1. What are some common plumbing myths that people believe?

Many people believe in various plumbing myths, such as using hot water to melt grease in pipes, ice cubes sharpening garbage disposal blades, and flushable wipes being safe for plumbing. These myths can cause significant issues if followed.

  1. Can running hot water really melt grease in pipes?

No, running hot water does not effectively melt grease in pipes. Grease solidifies as it cools, leading to clogs. It’s best to let grease cool in a container and dispose of it in the trash to avoid plumbing issues.

  1. Are flushable wipes really safe for plumbing systems?

Despite being labeled as flushable, these wipes do not break down as easily as toilet paper and can cause major blockages in plumbing systems. It’s better to dispose of them in the trash.

  1. Do ice cubes sharpen garbage disposal blades?

This is a common plumbing myth. Garbage disposals have impellers, not sharp blades, and ice cubes do not sharpen them. However, ice can help clean the disposal by knocking off food particles.

  1. Why is it important to debunk plumbing myths?

Debunking plumbing myths is crucial because following incorrect advice can lead to expensive repairs and damage to your plumbing system. Understanding the facts helps maintain a safe and efficient plumbing system in your home.

Tankless toilets are quickly gaining traction as they provide several benefits to homeowners compared to traditional tank-style toilets. From the comfort of your bathroom, you can save money on water bills, reduce your plumbing maintenance costs, and enjoy a space-saving design. Plus, these toilets look more modern and stylish than their older counterparts! This blog post will explain why you should consider calling a plumber in Jacksonville, FL, to switch to a tankless toilet. Read on if you’re ready to turn your bathroom into something special!

Save Money On Your Water Bills

The cost of your monthly water bills can be significantly reduced when you install a tankless toilet. The tankless toilet is designed only to dispense the water needed for flushing without a large and wasteful tank. This means that you will reduce the water used each time you flush and enjoy lower utility costs every month. Tankless toilets are an excellent investment choice as they will not only help reduce your environmental footprint by using less water but have been proven to last longer than traditional toilets. Start saving money on your water bill today by calling a plumber to install a tankless toilet in your home.

They Take Up Less Space

One of the best features of tankless toilets is that they take up less space. This allows them to fit in large bathrooms as well as small ones. You no longer have to worry about a bulky toilet tank taking up too much room and looking out of place in your bathroom! Not only that, but these stylish fixtures can free up more space for additional amenities like shelves, cabinets, and seating, providing you with more storage or additional places to relax and enjoy your bathroom.

Plus, the wall-mounted design provides a neat and streamlined look in any bathroom. Tankless toilets are an excellent choice if you are looking for ways to open up more space while still enjoying all the great benefits of a high-functioning toilet. Call a plumber now to learn how a tankless toilet can help transform your bathroom!

Reduce Maintenance Costs

Unlike traditional toilets, tankless toilets require less maintenance. Traditional toilets require routine maintenance, such as replacing the tank’s fill valve and flapper and checking for running toilets and other water leaks. However, since tankless toilets do not have tanks, most of these maintenance tasks can be avoided altogether.

Anticipating repairs in the future can also be a hassle, but with a tankless toilet, this worry is eliminated; the lack of a tank means fewer moving parts, leading to fewer chances of malfunctioning or breakage. Thus, choosing a tankless toilet could save you time, money, and frustration in the long run. You don’t have to wait any longer; call a plumber in Jacksonville, FL, today and start switching to a tankless toilet.

Improved Style And Comfort

Not only is the overall style updated and modernized, but the comfort level you get after calling a plumber to install a tankless toilet is unbeatable. One comfort benefit of tankless toilets is that they are quieter than traditional toilets since water filling is avoided while flushing. Their modern design also allows for greater customization with their height, which can accommodate individuals of all sizes in the household. Moreover, the tankless toilet has a sleeker design than traditional toilets, adding to the overall aesthetic of your bathroom. Get a plumber to install a tankless toilet today and enjoy its stylish look, improved comfort, and greater convenience.

They’re Easier To Clean

Another key advantage of investing in a tankless toilet is its ease of cleaning. These toilets offer fewer places for dirt and grime to accumulate and can be wiped down with minimal effort. The sleek design also means there are no nooks and crannies where dust or debris could hide, so all that is needed is a simple wipe over surfaces and fixtures.

In addition, there’s no tank that needs to be descaled regularly – meaning even less work for busy homeowners. If you want an easier way to clean your bathroom, hire a plumber to install a tankless toilet.

Sustainable Choice

Tankless toilets are revolutionizing how we think about bathroom appliances, offering both convenience and sustainability. Unlike traditional toilets, which use gallons of water with each flush, tankless toilets make a sustainable choice by using only minimal water without sacrificing power. Tankless toilets use a powerful flushing system to clean the bowl, using less than one gallon of water per flush. This results in significant savings on your water bill and an environmentally conscious lifestyle choice. So, tankless toilets are worth considering if you want to make a sustainable choice that helps conserve resources and energy while giving you an aesthetically pleasing toilet option. Contact a plumber today to get started on your switch to a tankless toilet!

Switch To Tankless Toilets And Enjoy The Benefits

Tankless toilets are a great way to save water, money, and time. Their sleek design can help you open up space in your bathroom while still enjoying all the benefits of a high-functioning toilet. The lack of tanks makes them easier to clean and maintain, and their efficient water use helps you save on your next water bill. Investing in a tankless toilet is an easy and efficient way to upgrade your bathroom without breaking the bank. Get started today by calling a plumber in Jacksonville, FL, to make the switch.

We Are The Plumbing Professionals To Call For The Switch

Are you ready to make the switch to a tankless toilet? Bert Norman’s Plumbing is here to help. Our plumbing technicians have the expertise and know-how to install various fixtures, including tankless toilets. We can provide you with the necessary guidance and installation services so that you can enjoy all the benefits of owning a tankless toilet. Contact us today to schedule an appointment to get started.

See our most recent blog on this topic here.

Photo By snorkulencija at iStock

Homeowners contend with plumbing issues daily. From leaks, clogs, burst pipes, and water heater issues to sewer and water line problems, many problems require a plumbing service provider’s attention. Unfortunately, some Jacksonville, FL, homeowners decide to deal with the plumbing issues themselves or even ignore them altogether. However, this will only lead to severe compromise on your plumbing system. You should address the issue immediately after you notice the signs. There are those homeowners that choose to deal with the problem head-on. Whenever they notice a problem, they immediately contact a professional to have it fixed. Others even have retained the services of a plumber for routine maintenance of their plumbing. The prevalent of these plumbing issues leaves homeowners with many questions, including:

What are the Reasons the Water is Cloudy?


Your water supply might become cloudy if dirt or small particles find their way inside. The appearance of the water being foggy could be due to dust or sand particles floating in the water. The water could be safe to drink despite appearing to be unhealthy. Have a plumbing service provider install a sediment filter to clear the sand and other dust particles before they reach your faucet or other water outlets.


If the water seems hazy and smells like rotten eggs, sulfur could be a possible culprit. Do you smell a rotten egg odor from your water? That implies that it contains hydrogen sulfide. Sulfur bacteria grow and thrive in plumbing spaces with minimal oxygen and decaying organic debris. The hydrogen sulfide gas produced by bacteria may get trapped in your water system. Although sulfur poses no health risk to people, getting a plumbing service provider to test your water is advisable to ensure its safety.

Before the plumbing service provider clears the cloudy appearance of the smell, they must determine the source of the sulfur bacteria first. The culprit may occasionally be the chemicals within a water heater. In this case, a plumber should service the heater. The professional will adequately ventilate the water source if the underlying cause is not the water heater. They might also install an infiltration unit to eliminate sulfur bacteria and other microorganisms.

Should the Water Supply Be Turned Off When One’s Going on a Vacation?

Yes. Leaving your water valve on when traveling for some days could prove risky. This is because no one can use the water at home. However, that doesn’t mean that accidents still won’t arise in the form of burst pipes or leaks. If a minor leak is left unchecked for a long time, it could escalate into a flood. If you usually remember to pack all the things you need while on vacation and remember to turn off the electricity or gas valve, then there is no reason why you shouldn’t close the water valve.

Imagine being on a vacation trip; your neighbor says your home has been flooded when you are away. Wouldn’t that even ruin your trip? Wouldn’t you cut the trip short to come home to address the plumbing emergency? To avoid such, ensure that you turn off your home’s main water valve before leaving your Jacksonville, FL home for the trip. Though this isn’t necessary, you will have peace of mind. You know that you won’t have to come back and call a plumbing service provider the first thing because your home has been flooded.

Why Does Water Leak via the Ceiling from Light Fixture?

Have you noticed that the light globe above your kitchen or dining table gradually fills with or is already filled with water? Though this might be enough to incite you to panic, you shouldn’t. It is a mere sign of a leak somewhere, and a plumbing service provider can quickly rectify it. Enlist your nearby plumbing company to have their technicians fix the issue. Before the technician comes, cut off the power supply at the breaker box. Then, locate the main shut-off valve, turn it off, and wait for the technician to arrive.

How Does Plumbing Repairs Save Money?

A skilled plumber can help you save money each month in addition to the possible expense of fixing the most severe issues, such as sewer backups and broken pipes. Maintaining a functioning plumbing system decreases the water you waste daily, resulting in cost savings on your utility bills. A plumbing service provider will also suggest upgrading your existing system with new, more effective pipes, fittings, appliances, and fixtures.

Where’s the Main Shut-off Valve Located?

You should know where the main shut-off valve is in an emergency. This ensures that you can regulate the water flow after a pipe has burst or started to leak. To quickly stop water flow when you’re leaving your Jacksonville, FL home or going on vacation, it is also crucial to know the location of your home’s main water shut-off valve. Finding your main shut-off valve shouldn’t be difficult; you need to check in the right areas. However, you can make the entire process easy by seeking the help of a plumbing service provider. These professionals know just where to look for the shut-off valve. They can even follow your water lines until they reach this critical fixture. This will ensure that the next time a pipe bursts, you can run to where the technician showed you and turn off the valve to prevent water wastage.

Does Licensing Matter?

Licensing is important. Plumbing services companies are committed to exceptional quality and upholding the essential plumbing industry standards by requiring all their plumbers to be licensed. The license protects you should the job go wrong. It also is the only way to ensure that the plumber has the required skills. Hence, always only hire licensed plumbers.

Do you have any burning questions regarding your plumbing system? Contact us at Bert Norman’s Plumbing for clarification. Our technician will also carry out your required maintenance and repair services.

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Water is life, it is said. To a great extent, this assertion holds. Every home or establishment needs clear, clean, safe water. Whether a Callahan, FL, home, school, office, or whichever establishment, water is critical for those that work, eat, or even live there. However, one particular issue that affects a good percentage of homeowners is the hardness of the water. Hard water refers to water with a high percentage of dissolved minerals, particularly calcium and magnesium. This makes cleaning an issue while it makes your sinks and other shiny plumbing fixtures appear white and chalky. It also could spell doom for plumbing appliances such as the water heater. Fortunately, you can have a plumber install a water softener to address the issue of water hardness. However, installation is one of many things that you should do. Some homeowners make several mistakes, such as not giving the softener the required maintenance, resulting in other issues. Below are the common money-wasting water softener mistakes and what you can do to avoid them.

Purchasing a System First

Yes, you want to swiftly soften your water, for you have first-hand experience with the effects of hard water. You quickly get to a store, purchase a system, and have some handyman install it. This will be the beginning of some very costly issues. Before purchasing any plumbing fixture, leave alone the water softener, you should consult your plumbers. With the many types of water-softening systems available today, getting lost or confused about which will suit your Callahan, FL, home is very easy. Additionally, some unscrupulous salespersons capitalize on your ignorance to charge you more.

Getting advice from a plumber means that you will know the type of system that is durable, the price range, and even its functionality. Some of the systems don’t just soften the water. They also condition the water, removing dangerous substances such as dissolved chlorine. You’ll need guidance on whether to get a tap-based (also known as a “point of usage”) system or a whole-home (or “point of entrance”) system. Next, you should decide what kind of system you need.

The person you’re working with should send samples of your water to the laboratory for testing depending on the water source because the quality of your water will, in part, determine the ideal system for you. An excellent place to start is online research.

Several licensed plumbers guide from years of experience setting up various systems on their blogs. When contacting a professional, you’ll be prepared with the right inquiries and a better knowledge of the answers.

Not Having a Professional Install Your System

There is no secret that water treatment technologies are complex and must be integrated with your current plumbing system. Unfortunately, some homeowners want to cut costs by hiring a handyman to install the water softener. Remember, cheap might one day prove expensive. Failure to hire a professional plumber means the handyman installing your water softener might see any warranty voided. Additionally, the installation might need to be revised, meaning that you will soon be looking for a professional to repair the water softener or even reinstall it. They also could damage the existing system.

Plumbers, on the other hand, have the required training and experience to properly install the water softener, identify any installation issues, and correct them. When they finish the installation, you can rest assured that it will serve you for many years. Although there may be a little price difference, the difference in peace of mind?

Purchasing a Non-Certified System

The other mistake is purchasing a non-certified water softener. This means that the system might not have passed the requisite standards of water softening or met the performance and health-based standards. Purchasing a non-certified water softener means you’ll not know whether the claims made by the appliance manufacturer have been independently verified. This might not only waste your money but also potentially affect your health.

When purchasing a water softening system, look for the “ANSI/NSF” standard for whatever type that you are purchasing. You should know that there are different standards for water softening systems, including distillation systems, drinking water treatment systems, ultraviolet systems, and reverse osmosis systems. After choosing one, ask your plumber about the merits and demerits of installing it at your Callahan, FL, home before you make a purchase.

Knowing the standard will help you purchase the right system for your personal needs. For instance, The ANSI/NSF Standard 42 offers “aesthetic effects” only, things like taste, smell, and color. If a water softener or other device is ANSI/NSF 53, it has been tested for compliance with the health effects its manufacturer has claimed. Hence, getting a plumber’s professional opinion is critical.

Ignoring the Water Softener After Installation

Set-it Forget-it is the largest money waster, especially for the water softeners and other plumbing appliances installed in hard-to-reach areas. Like other parts of your plumbing system, like the drains, the water treatment systems also need maintenance to ensure they continue working properly and efficiently. Failure to perform regular maintenance means the appliance will develop protracted issues, rendering it useless.

Every system should include an instruction manual detailing the routine tasks that must be carried out. You can perform some of these procedures, like changing a UV system’s bulb. Others require professional assistance, such as lab testing, to verify that your water treatment system successfully removes dangerous substances. Others, including repairing membranes, maintaining and cleaning storage tanks, and backwashing systems, take time to understand and execute. Though you could do these yourself, you may have to hire a plumber.

Don’t Make These Mistakes!

Do you have a water softener installed? Or are you planning to purchase and install a water softener? Then you should know to avoid making the mistakes above. Making them will only result in the deterioration of your new unit. Contact us at Bert Norman’s Plumbing for a proper installation or advice when purchasing a water softener.

Photo By Sanny11 at iStock

A plumbing service call is a necessity at times. It’s the only thing that saves your Jacksonville, FL home from further plumbing issues. It gives you solace in times of chaos. That’s why you should never put off a plumbing repair for very long. It can be the one thing that you’re certain of in the future.

Working with a plumber in the area to schedule a service call is imperative. It allows you to take control of the situation and come up with a resolution that serves you well. Once you’ve had a chance to think about how you’ll tackle the task at hand, you’ll know without a doubt that you made the right decision by quickly hiring a plumber to help you.

How a Plumber in the City Can Help You Today and in the Future

There are many ways that plumbers can assist you with your request today and in the future. Allowing yourself the chance to get to know the different providers in the area helps you select the best one for the job. When you have a chance to see the professionals in action, your expectations are fulfilled. You know that you’ve made the right choice in selecting a service provider and can continue to use the plumber’s services long into the future.

Here’s how to get the most out of your plumbing service call in Jacksonville, FL:

  • Read online reviews. A free way to learn about a plumber is to go online to a review site and read what’s written there. Sometimes the information is helpful, especially if you see the plumbing company respond to the feedback that’s left for them. It makes it highly beneficial for you to get an accurate portrait of the company’s capabilities and responses. It’s one of the fastest and easiest ways to learn about a plumber and what they can do for your home.
  • Ask around about the companies you’re interested in learning more about today. Word-of-mouth is still an excellent way to find out what you need to know about a plumber. You can contact your relatives and friends to see who has had similar experiences with their plumbing. When you’ve discussed the topic, you can ask for a personal recommendation. The people you know may make it much easier for you to find a plumbing service you can count on long into the future. Having a professional that you’ve gotten to know and trust by your side makes getting through complex plumbing issues easier. You have a very good understanding of what it takes to complete the job well. You’re able to select a service provider based on knowledge and experience, not just a random search on the internet.
  • Visit the company’s website for more information. There’s lots of great information you can obtain from the source. You can spend as long as you want checking out the company’s history, preferred methods of payment, and services. You can see personal testimonies of customers from the past and even learn about the response time of the company. It’s entirely up to you to determine how long and in-depth you go to find a plumber.
  • Contact the company directly to ask questions. There’s no better way to get your questions answered than by a company rep. You can call the plumbing expert day or night to resolve your issue. If you feel like the problem you’re experiencing can’t wait until morning, you aren’t at a loss of what to do next. You tackle the issue with the greatest ease by booking the service.
  • Learn how the company bills you for the work being done for you. How you’ll pay for the services rendered is important. It’s something you’ll want to know about before going forward with a plumbing project. Thanks to the many ways that you can communicate with companies today, you can find out very quickly the answers to your questions. Billing is another critical subject to take on.

A plumber in Jacksonville, FL provides peace of mind. A plumbing service call to a professional is precisely what you need. You’ll have a very good feel about the plumber that you’ve called based on what you’ve learned about them through the web and speaking to them on the phone. By the time the expert arrives at your home, you’ll know what to expect during their visit.

When you take time to learn about all of the things a plumbing service has to offer you, you’re at an advantage. You’re able to benefit from a range of services versus a singular source of assistance. You know that in the future, your needs are being taken care of by someone capable of doing excellent work for you. That’s why you should never forget to research your options further once you know you need a plumber for your business.

Working with the right plumbing service company makes all the difference. It provides you with peace of mind when things get tough. It allows you to quickly resolve complex plumbing problems by hiring a professional that is proficient at what they do for a living. It makes it possible for you to restore order to your home and routine with the greatest ease.

You Deserve Fast and Reliable Plumbing Services from a Trusted Plumber

Get the help that you deserve without needing to jump through hoops to get it. Contact Bert Norman’s Plumbing at 904-225-5888 for more information about our plumbing services. We’re committed to your satisfaction. We promise that you’ll be pleased with the results that you receive.

At Bert Norman’s Plumbing, we want you to feel great about choosing us as your plumbing service provider. When you’re satisfied with the work that we do for you, you’re more likely to tell others about your experience. It makes it much easier for us to serve more customers when we know that you are telling your family and friends about the positive interactions you’ve had while working with us to resolve your plumbing issues.

Photo By Hispanolistic at istock

Do you need to place a plumbing service call to a reliable Jacksonville, FL plumber? If you do, here are some things to know ahead of time. That way, you’re able to get the most out of the interaction. After all, you’re paying money to receive excellent care!

For the new homeowner, hiring a plumber is no easy feat. It takes some time to research your options. Finding the perfect plumber is possible. It does require you to weigh the pros and cons of each candidate that you locate in the area.

This guide makes the entire process of searching for and hiring a plumber fast and easy. It gives you access to the best plumbing service company in the city to assist you with your drainage issues. If you need a new water heater installed, you’ll know who in the area can do the work for you. It makes future plumbing calls much easier for you to place.

What the Right Plumber Is Willing to Do for You

Trusting someone with your home and property can be challenging. It’s reassuring to find a plumbing service provider that prioritizes customer service. The way they treat their customers paints a picturesque viewpoint of their company. It makes it much easier for you to work with a plumber that you’ve never met prior to your scheduled service call date.

Here’s how to get the most out of your plumbing service call in Jacksonville, FL:

  • Research your options online. See which companies offer plumbing services. It takes no time at all to do a web search using your city or zip code to limit the results to your area. Once you’ve found the names and contact information for companies in the city, start calling the ones that interest you. Visit their websites to learn more about their backgrounds, services offered, and payment options.
  • Ask questions for clarification. If you’re not sure what to expect from the company and its services, ask the representative to explain things more fully to you. When you speak to a person over the phone, you’re able to get a more detailed response than you would if you were to read the words on a webpage. If there’s something you need to know before you decide who to hire, make sure you ask the right questions.
  • Listen to the advice the plumber gives you to prevent costly repairs. The plumbing professional is your partner in keeping your plumbing operating well. If they give you tips and tricks for preventing drainage and burst pipe issues, you’ll want to listen closely. You can avoid many problems and headaches by simply putting good advice to use. Being mindful of the things that cause clogs helps you find other ways to dispose of them.
  • Take advantage of emergency services. There’s a reason why they exist. Some plumbing issues cannot be ignored. They must be addressed immediately. Making sure that they’re taken care of means that you’ll have working plumbing and it won’t cost you a fortune to have the plumbing service provider come to your home. After-hours service calls may be more expensive, but they’re absolutely vital when you have a leaking water heater tank or a burst pipe.
  • Protect your guarantees and warranties. If the company that you’ve hired to give you plumbing service offers promises, get them in writing. Put the guarantees and warranties in a safe location where they can be retrieved easily. If you were to need them in the future, you’ll know exactly where to look to access the documents.
  • Get to know your plumber better. Find out all you can about the professional that you’ll be working with that day. It helps you feel confident in their abilities to assist you in the future. You can find out how long they’ve been working as a plumber, any specialties that they have, and even what they do to make their customers happy. When you develop a close working relationship with your plumber, you’ll receive the best plumbing service money can buy.

Jacksonville, FL residents know the value of good plumbing service. It’s the reason why so many people stick with one service provider throughout the years. Once they’ve found the perfect plumber, they favor working with them long-term. It’s one less decision they need to make regarding how they care for and maintain the various systems in their homes.

Locating a plumber for your current and future plumbing needs tops your list of priorities. It’s essential to keep your plumbing in excellent working order at all times, so your schedule isn’t disrupted by a repair. You’ll know exactly what it takes to get the job done to your highest standards by what the plumber tells you about the service they provide.

Who to Contact When You Want One Plumber to Resolve All of Your Issues

Bert Norman’s Plumbing takes care of all of your plumbing needs. Contacting us with your request for a plumber is the first step in getting your problems resolved in a timely and satisfactory manner. Reach out to us at 904-225-5888. We’re committed to making your life as easy as possible by getting to the bottom of your annoying plumbing issue.

Finding that one company that you can count on day or night is a blessing. It provides you with peace of mind and the ability to move forward with your schedule if something unexpected does happen. You’ve got the resources available to resolve the issue in no time at all. That means that you’re able to get the issue addressed without it costing you extra time or energy.

Spend some time getting to know us. We’re committed to giving you the absolute best service available. When you hire us for your plumbing needs, you get our guarantee that we’ll do everything we can to resolve your issue. When there is more than one choice available for fixing the issue, Bert Norman’s Plumbing will make sure to run them by you so you have options.

Photo By Paul Bradbury at istock

Are you overwhelmed by water usage at your home? Are you exploring new and cheaper ways to water your kitchen garden and flush your toilet? Water bills can sometimes be overwhelming, especially with a large family. Hence, you might be forced to look for alternative means of watering your flowers, kitchen garden, or even yard. Fortunately, your plumbing service can help. By installing a greywater recycling system, your water consumption woes can be a thing of the past. But what is greywater? What does a greywater recycling system do? What can you use greywater for? This article seeks to enlighten you and answer all the questions above.

What Is Greywater?

Greywater is any wastewater produced at your home but doesn’t include sewage and water that has come into contact with fecal matter. But what separates greywater from blackwater/ sewage? Organic loading is the element that separates or differentiates blackwater from greywater. Compared to greywater, black water has a higher or more organic loading. Only a few homeowners classify kitchen wastewater as blackwater because it has a considerably high organic loading with respect to various wellsprings of wastewater.

Presently, people are getting to know the multiple benefits of reusing greywater. As a result, there has been an uptick in the number of homeowners looking to have plumbing service providers install greywater recycling systems in their homes. If you’re looking to have one installed at your Jacksonville, FL home, below are some benefits you might experience. But before then, what can be the potential uses of greywater?

How Can You Use Greywater?

With proper treatment, you can put greywater to various uses that could benefit you economically. Greywater can be used to clean, wash, and irrigate the different plants in your yard and to flush waste into the toilet. For watering plants, you also can use greywater. Plants sprinkled with this water have an unusually lush appearance, unlike those irrigated using normal water.

This is because greywater contains various supplements such as nitrogen and phosphorus that give great nutrition to the said plants. These supplements act as fertilizer. Hence, if you have a kitchen garden and want organic foods devoid of chemicals from fertilizers, you should have a plumbing service provider install a greywater recycling system at your home. Below are some of the benefits that you will experience by installing these systems:

Benefits of Installing a Greywater Recycling System at Your Home

Reduction in the Use of Water

As mentioned above, greywater can be used for various purposes, from flushing the toilet, irrigating your kitchen garden, cleaning and washing. Hence, with a greywater recycling system, you can considerably reduce the water you are using. Water is a scarce resource, meaning that this will help the environment.

Additionally, reducing the water used will also considerably cut down on costs. Hence, to ensure that you have a separate means of irrigating your yard, flushing the toilet, or even washing your vehicle, have a plumbing service provider install a greywater recycling system at your home. Being an essential resource, water is an asset that every homeowner should look forward to conserving, and recycling is the best option. Fortunately, such systems are there.

It Saves You Money

Irrigating your yard, flushing your toilet, and watering your kitchen garden all use clean water. This undoubtedly means that you will have a high-water utility bill by the end of the month, especially in summer. This hurts your finances, and you should leave nothing to chance in ensuring that it doesn’t happen. Having a plumbing service install a greywater recycling system is a great start. By having an alternative means of doing the above tasks, you will be in a better position to save money on water utility bills.

Helps in Heat Recuperation

Hot water includes thermal energy. This thermal energy will go down the drains every time we use water to wash, bathe, or even use heated water for various additional things. A greywater recycling system can use the thermal energy in hot water to warm your home come winter. By doing so, you’ll be reducing energy consumption considerably. In turn, you will pay less for heating costs come winter. Do you want a greywater recycling system installed at your home? Consult your reliable plumbing service company before purchasing one. They will advise you on the right unit size based on the size of your home and other factors.

Less Water Drains into The Sewer System

Plumbing service in Jacksonville, FL, installing a greywater recycling system means that less water will be discarded into the sewer and septic systems. However, this depends on where you live and other varying factors. This means that your septic tank will take longer before filling, meaning there will be no need for routine or frequent pumping. The septic tank ecosystem remains undisturbed with less pumping, and bacteria can properly break down waste. Several urban communities are sparing no effort to ensure that their septic systems work uninhibited, and installing greywater recycling systems is among the key measures.

Conscientious Use of Water

The progressions and changes homeowners make by using or having plumbing service providers install greywater recycling systems could prove advantageous to them and nature. By not using fertilizers, you will be preventing soil damage. As mentioned above, gray water has a lot of organic nutrients, which makes the plants grow healthy, a significant step towards environmental prosperity. Hence, contact your plumber and have them install the system in your home for more conscientious water use.

Leveraging Greywater for Immense Benefits

As notable from the preceding, installing a greywater recycling system and using the water has a lot of benefits. However, installing the system isn’t enough. You must enlist a professional plumbing service provider for routine maintenance and ensure that the system optimally serves your home. For installation of the greywater recycling system and its subsequent repairs and maintenance in Jacksonville, FL, contact us at Bert Normans Plumbing.

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Before you purchase clothing, you have to put it on or use a measuring tape to determine that it can fit you. You also examine the clothing to ensure it is in a suitable condition. Further, the same case happens whenever you purchase a vehicle. You test drive it and also hire a mechanic to inspect it. Why not do the same when you are buying a home? It shouldn’t be any different.

You should enlist the help of a plumber to inspect various parts of the plumbing system to ensure that they are in the right state or condition. You don’t want to experience a plumbing issue shortly after purchasing a new home. Jacksonville, FL, can be an excellent place to buy a new home and settle with your family. There are a lot of homes, both old and new ones, that can accommodate families of nearly any budget or size.

Unfortunately, some prospective homeowners underestimate the importance of plumbing inspection. Some even don’t give it a thought. Unfortunately, the plumbing issues that might arise after you have just signed that contract might be just worth paying a plumbing service for an inspection. Although plumbing inspections should be required, they are unfortunately not. However, as a prospective homeowner, ensure that you enlist the help of a plumber to unearth any issues before you sign the transfer deed.

Why Should You Conduct a Plumbing System Inspection Before Purchasing a Home?

As mentioned above, there are many reasons to inspect the plumbing system before buying a new home. The reasons include:

To Verify the Age of the Plumbing Pipes

Unless you purchase a new home constructed just the day, you must have a plumbing service to inspect the plumbing fixtures. You cannot tell the age of a plumbing system by just looking at it. Although the realtors can tell you how old the plumbing system is, some are dishonest, and you shouldn’t take their word for it. Just because you see some shiny new plumbing fixtures and faucets doesn’t mean that the entire plumbing system is up to the standard throughout the new home.

All plumbing fixtures, appliances, and pipes limit their useful life. Regardless of how durable and rugged the piping might be, they all eventually end. Hence, if you do not inspect the piping in your new home beforehand, you will never know the age of the plumbing and when you should plan for a replacement service. Worse, the plumbing system might collapse a few days after moving in, meaning that you will need plumbing service for a whole house to repipe.

To Check for the Integrity of the Pipes

The other main reason for hiring a plumbing service provider to inspect the pipes and other plumbing fixtures before purchasing a new home is to check the integrity of the underlying pipes. Using inspection cameras, the professional can determine if all the pipes within the plumbing system are appropriately joined and do not have a significant flaw.

Even in newly constructed homes, you must inspect the plumbing system to know the materials used, leaks, and other issues. This should be done before you sign the transfer deed or move in. This is because mishandled installations, earthquakes, and other problems might result in leakages even for the new pipes.

To Determine the Negotiating Value

The other reason one should hire a plumbing service professional to inspect the pipes and plumbing fixtures in the new home before purchasing it is to have all the information. It is essential to have all the information beforehand whenever you plan to negotiate the new house’s process with a real estate agent, realtor, or homeowner. This is particularly critical if the home is sold “as is.” You can have the realtor repair the plumbing before you sign the transfer deed or pay the cash.

Early Detection, Identification, and Fixing of Issues

If there is an issue with the plumbing system in your new home, detecting, identifying, and repairing them early is essential. It could save you lots of money, trouble, and time. The water line or drainage system leakages might result in several unpleasant issues. The problems might include mold growth, health complications, pest infestations, germ distribution, and even water loss.

The faster you locate and fix a plumbing issue, the more minor it will be, generally. It is preferable to locate and fix a plumbing issue before moving into a new home in Jacksonville, FL, rather than wait for several months after you have moved in only to discover them. This means that you might have to rearrange your belongings. Hence, a plumber inspects the plumbing system before moving into your new home.

What Does a Plumbing Inspection Include?

The best way to ensure that your home’s plumbing system is in top condition is to hire a plumbing service provider to inspect it and have the realtor perform the repairs before placing the down payment. The plumber will check the following:


Like the home inspector, the plumber will inspect all the faucets, toilets, sinks, showers, drainage systems, and water pressure. The plumber can tell what the issue is and recommend several solutions to fix it.

Valves and Supply Lines

The plumbing service provider might also check the water supply lines and meters to ensure they are working correctly and in good shape. Additionally, the plumber will also perform tests to ensure that there aren’t any hidden leakages within the plumbing system.

Water-Related Appliances

All the appliances that use water, like the water heaters, washing machines, refrigerators, and dishwashers, are also inspected by a plumbing service provider for leakages. If the new home doesn’t have these appliances, the professional will inspect the drains and hookups. The professional will also examine the water heater properly to ensure it is in a good state, there aren’t sediment accumulations, and the anode rod isn’t depleted. They will advise whether the unit can supply your family with sufficient heated water.

Inspecting the plumbing system before you purchase a new home is essential. As you can see from the above, there are many reasons why you shouldn’t sign the transfer deed before a plumbing service provider has inspected all the plumbing fixtures and appliances and has given the go-ahead. If you are planning to purchase a new home in Jacksonville, FL, don’t hesitate to contact us at Bert Norman’s Plumbing for a plumbing system and appliance inspection.

Photo By kurhan at Shutterstock

Although somewhat rare, some Jacksonville, FL, commercial and residential properties feature septic systems. This means that these homeowners don’t incur the monthly sewer bills from the authorities and have total control over their home’s waste management. Because of the vital role they play in ensuring that your home is hygienic by storing the wastes and wastewater. This means that plumbing services are vital for managing these systems.

They get and break down waste constantly, meaning that homeowners having them at their homes don’t have the luxury of skipping on septic system maintenance. Hence, they must enlist the assistance of a professional plumber to regularly clean or repair the septic tank and other associated maintenance, as you’ll find out below.

Septic Tank Pumping

The leading plumbing service related to or associated with a septic system is tank pumping. Although the frequency of septic tank pumping depends on your household situation and the size of the tank, most of them need pumping every three years. As a rule of thumb, having your septic tank pumped more routinely than necessary is far much better rather than letting it go for long without the service. Homes having a garbage disposal unit, washing machines, or other appliances and factors that raise the solid waste amounts might require more regular pumping.

You can also find that it is the best time to treat your septic tank with additives during pumping. These additive products are vital in replacing the bacteria that break down the solid wastes in the septic tanks. You could easily assume that the bacteria won’t require any replenishing since they constantly multiply when breaking down the solid waste.

However, the septic system receives all kinds of waste and wastewater from your home. This includes laundry detergents, shampoo, soap, bleach, and cleaning products, among other disinfectants. All the substances above will kill the bacteria in the septic tank. The additives help in bringing bacteria back to an acceptable level.

Septic Tank Vents

There is a lot of pressure buildup in the septic tank due to decomposition. This means that any septic tank should always have a vent to release that pressure. The gasses that build up within the septic tank could have surprisingly destructive properties. The bacteria produce these gasses as they break down the solid wastes within the septic tank. When there isn’t a place where the gas can go to or flow out through, it forces its way through the weakest point of the septic system.

Are you unsure whether your septic tank has a vent? Do you suspect your septic tank’s vents are somehow clogged? Enlist the assistance of a local plumber in Jacksonville, FL. A majority of the vents on your septic tank are fitted near the leach field, ensuring that the trapped air from the tank can flow upwards to the surface. Your septic tank’s vent pipe likely appears as a white tube that sticks above the ground.

Locating the vent piping could also indicate the leech field area generally. Such knowledge is helpful in various cases since some people do not know or understand where the leach fields are positioned. This is common for those homeowners that bought their homes or weren’t there when their home’s septic system was fitted.

Although some homeowners might choose to have their septic vent pipes disguised, caution is needed. It is safe to landscape your yard having a leach field, though only if correctly done. Do not plant trees over/above your septic tank or disturb this leach field. Hence, it is a great idea to avoid the growth of shrubs or any other types of plants having an extensive root system on top of or near the tank.

Planting a bush or a tree above your septic system is an invitation for root intrusion. Additionally, it isn’t a good idea to cut the vent pipes. If cut too short, the vent septic vent pipes might not work correctly. Additionally, some municipal councils have laws and regulations dictating the type and length of the septic vent pipes. These laws might not allow you to alter the vent pipes. Remember, a short pipe has a higher chance of getting blocked by debris and dirt. Consult a plumbing service expert before any landscaping project over the septic system.

Septic Inspections

Regular plumbing service maintenance also includes the inspection of the septic system. Some local and state governments require that you have a septic system inspected in situations such as before selling or buying a home. The septic system isn’t cheap. Hence, they must be evaluated before any real estate transaction.

The other reason to have the septic system inspected is that switching from a septic system to a public or municipal sewer could be time-consuming and frustrating. This does not often happen, though some Jacksonville, FL homeowners switch to a municipal or public sewer service whenever their septic system requires significant repairs.

Some HOAs and municipalities might try forcing homeowners to switch to public sewers. However, those that have lived within the community before such requirements are not obligated to adhere to them. This could become a severe and complicated situation, so you must enlist the assistance of a reliable plumbing service expert. They will offer solid advice and help.

Pipelining and Clogs

Pipelining is a method of repairing your septic system and other damaged drainage pipes without destructive and expensive excavation. The plumbing service provider inserts the new pipes within the existing ones to reinforce their walls. The trenchless repair method usually is hassle-free compared to the traditional methods that require excavation, damaging your beautiful yard and lawns. You could also avert a major repair down the line by fixing minor leakages and cracks through pipelining.

Clogged drains and septic tanks could be the underlying issue whenever you notice that your toilets, showers, or sinks are slowly draining. A professional plumbing service provider will find any underlying issues and promptly repair them. They also have inspection cameras that can record footage from within the plumbing system and pinpoint the location of the problem.

Drain cleaning using hydro-jetting and drain snakes resolves the clogged drains while a full septic tank most likely requires to be pumped out. The tree roots might be the culprit of the slow drains too.

Reputable Plumber in Jacksonville

Do you need your septic system pumped or any other plumbing service? Our professional plumbing experts at Bert Norman’s Plumbing have got your back. They are professionally trained and equipped with modern tools to ensure that they complete any plumbing efficiently and effectively. Contact us today to have your septic system inspected and pumped or another plumbing service.

Photo By Slave SPB at Shutterstock

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